X-Men Days of Future Past TP New Ptg - Books

X-Men Days of Future Past TP New Ptg

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The sensational creative team of Chris Claremont and John Byrne followed their industry-changing 'Dark Phoenix Saga' with the equally revolutionary 'Days of Future Past'! Relive the legendary first journey into the then far-off dystopian future of 2013 - where Sentinels stalk the Earth, and the X-Men were mutantkind's only hope…until they died! This all-time classic is collected alongside more unforgettable tales from the climax of the Claremont/Byrne run, including the funeral of Jean Grey! The return of Alpha Flight, in deadly battle with the Wendigo! And Kitty Pryde getting a demon for Christmas?! Plus: Future star John Romita Jr. shows his artistic chops when the sorceress Margali Szardos sends the X-Men to hell! Collecting X-MEN (1963) #138-141, UNCANNY X-MEN (1981) #142-143 and X-MEN ANNUAL (1970) #4. Rated T+ (W) Chris Claremont, John Byrne (A) John Byrne, John Romita (CA) John Byrne