December 8th, 2021

Caroline's Picks:

Dark Knights of Steel #2 -John Constantine’s prophecy has been set into motion, Jor-El is dead, the ‘Green Man’ has made it so. Now Batman is out for blood after his fathers murder and King Jefferson is just as ready to do whatever he must to protect his people even if that means starting an impossible war with the ‘aliens’. With war others are often dragged in, thus leading us to our first look at Amazons of this world as Lois goes to inform Supergirl of what has happened to her father and recruiting the warriors to their cause. One of my personal favorite moments from this issue comes in the form of all the cameos we see while Bruce and Harley talking in the dungeon, a little something for everyone while simultaneously showing just how many people have been locked up by the El’s just for having magic in an attempt to avoid the prophecy. Now the rest of the world is left to wait and hope that things aren’t taken too far before both sides can reconcile but Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, or something like that.
What’s the Furthest Place from Here? #2 - Sid is missing, she’s been kidnapped by a gang of bank tellers and now the gang is willing to do whatever it takes to get her back. An empty bank and a safe filled with relics from the past but no Sid just leads to more questions and the local police are doing nothing to help. We get a nice bit of explanation of how the world works and more of the rules the kids have to follow while the family heads back home to wait for Sid, or her kidnappers, to show up again. When they arrive home things have literally gone up in flames and with curfew fast approaching they’re going to have to scramble to find a place, luckily their new ‘friend’ has just the place in mind to get a meal and a tip and if they’re lucky a Stranger approved empty house to rest in. But have these kids ever been lucky?
Buckhead #1 - Scientists digging beneath the earth and un-surfacing new tech always seems like a good idea at the time, until someone is suddenly transported out of our plane of existence at least. A year after Wole goes missing his wife and son move to a new town, Buckhead, for her job and that means a new school and some new friends for Toba. As first days of school go this one is pretty good: walk to school with a friend, see a house that he can’t, watch him get frozen in time, meet the other new kids, go throughout his schedule for the day, skip a class and find a secret video game hidden in the school's basement. Nothing too out of the ordinary right? This book is tugging on all the right cords for the RPG nostalgia fans, and despite being an ‘all ages’ book I think anyone can enjoy this read.
The World of Krypton #1 - We all know the story of superman and how he came to Earth but have you ever wondered about the world he comes from? What was their everyday life like on Krypton before the world ended? What did the plants, animals, and even the parties look like? Then this is the book for you! Focusing on Jor-El and his family we are taken to the first naming celebration of the new El Generation, Kara. But the peace can only last so long before Jor has to face a harsh reality again: creatures are dying on Krypton with no scientific reason as to why this is happening able to be found. And if they can’t figure out why soon then all life on Krypton itself may be at threat. That’s only the second most immediate threat to Jor’s family that night, after all what is a party without some family drama.

Diarra's Picks:

Lunar Room #1 - A retired werewolf and a wanted mage walk into a fight club…this bad Dungeons and Dragons joke is the basic gist of this tale. The issue starts with Zac Zero (the mage) escaping his twin brother’s captivity. Flash forward, we are in a magical fight club where Sin Breaker (former werewolf) used to dominate, but since she lost her powers, she is just another schmuck. When a tag team decide to challenge Sin to a fight, Zac offers his assistance. Sin reluctantly takes the help and Zac is able temporarily return her wolf powers to her! With fresh optimism about regaining her powers, she has no plans to let Zac out of her sight. Which works out since he is in desperate need of a bodyguard. We don’t know what landed Zac in captivity or how Sin lost her powers, but I’m sure this is the beginning of a wild ride!
Devil’s Reign #1 - This event is starting off in a killer way! Typically, events like this are on a global scale and all the heroes assemble to cover as much ground as possible, but there is something nice about watching Captain America and Iron Man walking the streets of Hell’s Kitchen! Anywho, Wilson Fisk and Typhoid Mary tied the knot last issue, and Daredevil thought love might be just what Fisk needs to be less of a jerk. And for awhile it’s true, but when Fisk finds clues he has been brainwashed, he blames Daredevil and the feud begins anew. This time he is going after all heroes, and as mayor, decrees vigilantism illegal. A task force is assembled and our favorite capped crusaders are being targeted. Fisk tries to justify this decision to his son who just took his role as Kingpin, saying the war on heroes will make his job easier. But he is tired of his father interfering, plus he isn’t worried with Murdock’s twin in his corner. Things are heating up in Hell’s Kitchen and I’m sure every issue in this 6 part series will be sick!
Tales of Mother F. Goose - If you are a fan of Fables this is the one shot for you! (Honorable mention: if you like Fables check out Bigby Wolf vs. Batman in the A Wolf in Gotham mini series!) All our favorite Mother Goose characters have been adapted into humans in modern day, but trust me, they are still animals! Jack Horner and Little Miss Muffet are a detective duo who don’t mind bending the rules. Especially after they landed this murder case, and the notorious assassin trio, The Three Blind Mice, are their lead suspects. You see, they have been working for the Three Little Pigs who don’t mind playing dirty to keep their business afloat (and not blown down!). Things are not what they seem, but the truth will come out in the end. This is a fun twist on the classics and your favorite nursery rhymes will never be the same!

Stone's Picks:

Star Wars Crimson Reign #1 - The Crimson Dawn begins to sow chaos among the criminal syndicates of the Galaxy. Now led by QI’Ra, she has disclosed to a select group something they're aware of yet are afraid to acknowledge. Offers are made and deals are cut in hopes of crushing the Empire, but more importantly, the two men who reign at the top. War of the Bounty Hunters Was good so I figured I’d give this “sequel” a chance to impress me as well. The plot is one I can get behind that is sure to have drastic consequences for all those involved. From a future heist on Lord Vader’s tower to assassination attempts on as of yet undisclosed targets, this is sure to be wild ride!
Dark Knights of Steel #2 - The King is dead. Unable to protect Jor-El, Bruce’s emotions run high as he pursues the archer responsible for his demise. News of this tragedy reaches ears far and wide. Some rejoice while others only find comfort in the revenge they feel they must take. They believe the Els monsters, and monsters they will make of them if things continue down this dangerous path. A great continuation of the 1st issue. I was unsure on how I felt about Bruce's lineage in this story but I’ve come to enjoy it. No doubt it will lead into a superpower beat down between half brothers.
Batman #118 - The city has been saved from Scarecrow and the denizens of Gotham begin to celebrate. News travels fast that Batman Inc. are in custody for murder. It seems as though they have killed Abyss, who has been touted as the next big bad for Bats. Bruce makes his way across the world to investigate. Even half way across the planet Bruce can’t escape the normalcy of being Batman. Wasn’t sure if I was going to like this new chapter in Batman’s career (and an all-new creative team) but I can say that I am intrigued.